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General terms:
  • The transactions of borrowing (borrowing, returning, modification of time limit) require reader’s card.
  • Borrowing can be done during opening hours by using valid personal reader’s card. Validation of reader’s cards is subject to the settlement of any outstanding debts.
  • Up to 30 documents can be borrowed the teachers of the University.
  • For any other registered readers, the number of documents can be borrowed is limited to 10.
  • The borrowers are responsible for the borrowed documents and their integrity in person. 
  • The readers are liable to replace any documents lost or mutilated and to compensate for their replacement cost set by the library, respectively. 
  • Library users having any financial or document debt are blocked from borrowing items from the library.
Documents that can be borrowed:
  • Documents not provided with distinctive mark.
  • Documents ordered via interlibrary loan and not prohibited by the lending library.
Documents that cannot be borrowed:
  • Documents (books, lecture notes) provided with distinctive mark on their spine such as:
  • Reading Room books: white strip on the spine and a stamp “Reading Room” on the endpaper;
  • Institution history: marked with green strip on the spine and “Institution history” on the endpaper;
  • Periodicals, journals;
  • Standards;
  • Theses;
Documents with restricted borrowing: (only for teachers of the University during the closure time of the library)
  • Periodicals, daily news,
  • Reading Room books 
Loan periods:
  • Lecture notes of the University - 3 weeks;
  • Lecture notes of the University for non-citizens of the Univ. - 2 weeks;
  • CD/DVD attachments  - the same period as the document it belongs to;
  • Any other documents - 4 weeks
  • The lending period can be renewed only once provided that no reservation is on  the given document.
  • Books returned after expiry of loan term are subject to fine. The overdue fine is calculated by the day(s) of late and the number of documents.
  • The readers are warned by the library via e-mail to settle their debts. Should the debt fail to be settled in spite of repeated warnings (3 times), the library goes to law to recover its debt. 
  • Library documents lost or mutilated can be replaced as follows:
  • Documents lost or mutilated can be replaced by copies of identical or later publication; the offered copy can be accepted provided that its condition and appearance makes it possible. 
  • If a lost document is unable to be replaced,  the library is entitled to claim  the financial compensation for its ideal value.