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Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség


The University of Dunaújváros Library and Information Centre's main task is to help and support the educational and research work with professional information.

The collection contains:

  • the required and recommended literature of the courses held in the University;
  • the lecture notes, study-aids published by UoD and the other higher educations' lecture notes;
  • scientific publications of the professors and researchers of the UoD;
  • literature for supporting the research works at UoD;
  • literature for supporting the work of UoD's other institutions, the post graduate education, vocational trainings;
  • literature about the history of UoD and its predecessor in title;
  • the Library's self-published dóocuments;
  • lecture notes published by DUE Press;
  • theses and TDK dissertations of our students.